A day full of creativity, community and inspiration

Our first event – the „kumtogether“ on the 8th of July in Nuremberg – was an unforgettable feast! The anticipation and excitement that accompanied us during the preparations was to turn into a true creative frenzy over the course of the day. From choosing the perfect location to setting the perfect date, it was an event that was planned with care and dedication. This day was to be a special moment of coming together and we were full of expectations.

The mission of our „kumtogether“

The origin of our idea was simple: we wanted to relive the magic we had experienced during Creativworld. But even more important was our goal of forging closer ties between our community and us. We’ll let others judge with pleasure whether we succeeded. But we could clearly feel a wave of creative energy hovering over all of us like an invisible energy field. It was this special vibe that accompanied us that day and connected us in a way that is hard to put into words. Unfortunately, the day passed far too quickly and we found ourselves in the evening with a feeling of fulfilment, but also of melancholy.


The immense support we received from Julian, Sue, Anastasia, Anja, Andrea, Isabella and Lotta during the event touched and encouraged us deeply. You were an essential part of this unforgettable experience.


In the following days, we were often asked if we would plan this wonderful get-together again. Our answer is clear and unequivocal: Yes! For us, there is no question that there will be another kumtogether in 2024. Maybe not bigger, but certainly with fresh ideas and new concepts to make this special day a creative highlight once again. We can’t wait to dive into the world of creativity again together with our community and be inspired by the lively energy that connects us all.